Meet the Apollo pepper: the world’s newest hottest pepper!?

A few seasons ago, Sean Evans revealed the new hot sauces for the 13th season of Hot Ones. Down below you can watch the full reveal, in which we saw a few familiar brands and sauces, but the biggest surprise of all was the new number 10: The Last Dab Apollo. Back then, this was a new version of Hot Ones’ own hot sauce, made with a completely new pepper: The Apollo pepper. It’s Smokin’ Ed Currie’s latest creation and according to Sean Evans it’s his most ferocious creation ever.
Is the Apollo pepper the world’s newest hottest pepper in the world?
An incredibly intense heat build and tears rolling down your cheeks, just a few things that are named to describe the power of the pepper/sauce, but Sean also calls it the most delicious and ferocious pepper Smokin’ Ed ever created. Showrunner Chris Schonberger even doubted if it should be in the show, because it might be too intense for celebrities. But is the Apollo pepper the new hottest pepper in the world? That remains unclear.
Apollo: a hybrid between the Carolina Reaper and Pepper X
The Apollo pepper is a hybrid between the two hottest creations of Smokin’ Ed until now: the Carolina Reaper (former hottest pepper in the world) and Pepper X (oficially the new hottest pepper in the world). Heat-wise it will obviously be a monster, but if it will become officially the hottest is unknown at the moment. It should pass the 3 million Scoville Heat Units to pass the Pepper X. Flavor-wise it’s a combination of the ‘fruity’ flavor of the Reaper and the earthy flavor of the Pepper X. According to Sean it was by far the hottest version of the Last Dab ever.
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Although it is still unknown exactly how hot the Apollo pepper is, people are supsecting that it could well become the future successor to the Pepper X. Currently that officially is the hottest pepper in the world. Here you can check out a handy overview of all the peppers in the world ranked by their Scoville score.
pepper x is a scam. Apollo does not exist well. the hottest pepper i ate is the 7pot brain strain provided by magic plant farms. going to try their carolina reaper next week.
LOL look at this. Hey dude, nobody asked, nobody cared, and nobody thinks the palate of some mouth breathing, internet troll, is worth anything. keep your opinions to yourself and your sister-wife.
How mature of you Ed.
I love this, you, and your sauce so much.
I agree with Dave. Pepper x is a good way of making money for Ed…. where is it? I grew peppers for a living and made hot sauces i sold at retail and wholesale. Primo and Brain sauces ALWAYS hotter than Reaper. Brand sauces based on Reaper are usually mild compared to the other superhots. Ed….dave just had an opinion and I do care , I do think his palate is on the level.
Lenny, I’ll link you and Dave to a website where you can buy Pepper X seeds so that you can grow them yourself. In answer to the question of “where are they?” that’s where they are! Thing is, while Ed was unnecessarily rude in his response to Dave, Dave calling someone a liar who’s scamming the public for money when you have no evidence that that’s what they’re doing the way Dave did is a pretty nasty thing to do to someone. I subscribe to Ed Curry’s YouTube channel. He’s the creator of both Pepper X and the Apollo pepper, and is one of the absolute sweetest guys you’ll ever meet! Next time, rather than justifying the really ugly and completely unnecessary smearing of someone’s character when you have no evidence with which to back your claims, remember that there’s a real person whose hard won reputation you’re helping to unfairly destroy with such ugly and utterly unfair accusations, and show some compassion instead, by not making accusations that you have no proof for.
Link to where you can purchase the peppers is here:
Here’s my opinion…and although I occasionally mouth breath after a long night of savagery, I think schmokin ed is a bad ass and producing some of the world’s hottest and most revolutionary products, and if u don’t like it… let’s see u do better. Also, i agree with Ed, if you’re too inbred to complete a coherent sentence then your opinion is invalid.
Most chiliheads know Pepper X is a just a marketing gimmick from the guy who ripped off the 7-Pot Primo and called it the Carolina Reaper.
There are plenty of impressive plants out there that are not make believe and are just as intense as anything else you can find. Reapers, Pepper X and Apollo are all outdated and obsolete anyway. They belong in a retirement home or a museum.
The new ones making their rounds are far superior to those old Creapers.
So, if the Reaper is a knock off of the 7 pot, what else was added with the Reaper? I have had both peppers and the reaper is by superior in both taste and heat and intensity. My opinion, but I have grown peppers for the past 10 years and when at the local farmers market, everyone asks when will the reapers be ready. Very few ask for the 7 pot.
Ngl just started looking into these peppers and this all seems pretty cool. Does anyone know how I could crossbreed my own peppers?
I tried this yesterday. It hurts!
It burns good taste but it burns Apollo is the best. Hottest shit I’ve ever ate. I don’t care to know how its made but it’s good.
shits weak, hot tamales hotter.
Liking the Apollo sauce. Pretty dang hot but a good flavor.
To Raven on your link for pepper x seeds: Why would Indonesia be selling/shipping Ed Curry’s Peppwr X seeds before he himself released them in the U.S.? Something’s not right with that.I have been trying to buy the seeds from him for years now, but he hasn’t released them.
So my daughter..she’s 24 ordered a 3 pack of sauces. She tried 2 drops on a chicken nugget..this was in July….following this she has massive digestive issues..both ends within an hour. Followed by uncontrollable puking that lasted a week..we ended up in the emergency room to stop it and get fluids into her. A month later..again back in the month again to the ER. We are now waiting to see a gastro dr. I think this stuff burned her stomach..possibly gave her an ulcer…we will see after this visit..she’s been puking again for days..she only ate it the one time in July and hasn’t been able to eat normally since…she never has any stomach problems before this!
That sounds terrible. Which sauces did she order? Maybe shey’s allergic to certain ingredients, because we have never heard anythinh like this.
As of10/18/ 2023 Smokin Ed has been officially verified to be the curator of the hottest pepper in the world, Pepper X at 2,963,000 so I can’t eat to see what Apollo is going to be like.
Thank you for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your next write-ups thanks once again.
I don’t understand why Ed has resorted to adding CO22 extracted capsaicin to his hot sauces. Dave’s Insanity Sauce from the 90’s resorted to that trick but then again, natural pepper extracts couldn’t hit almost 3Mil Scoville on their own without the capsaicin boost. Capsaicin oleoresin is a commodity chemical used in bear spray and various self defense products. And it doesn’t taste good. I think it is typically hexane extracted but supercritical CO2 is a safer less harmful extraction method. Either way, why resort to any of this manipulation unless the hot sauce isn’t capable of hitting any of these Scoville numbers on it’s own without added capsaicin extractives. I also find the texture too thick because Ed insists on adding powdered dried chilis to his ultra hot sauces. At least he doesn’t use too much acetic acid beyond what is needed to keep it food safe after bottling.