Ingrediënten Melinda’s Scotch Bonnet Hot Sauce: Scotch Bonnet peper puree (water, Scotch Bonnet peper), azijn, wortelen, papaja, zout, limoensap, ui, passievrucht, citroenzuur, xanthaangom, knoflook, ascorbinezuur, kurkuma.
Allergenen: kan sporen bevatten van noten (kokosnoot), ei, sojabonen, tarwe, melk.
Voedingswaarden per 100gr:
Energie: 17 kcal
Vet: 0 gram
waarvan verzadigde vetten: 0 gram
Koolhydraten: 3,2 gram
waarvan suikers: 0 gram
Eiwitten: 1 gram
Zout: 5 gram
Schudden voor gebruik. Na openen gekoeld bewaren.
alk_fu (geverifieerde eigenaar) –
First time with scotch bonnet peppers
Its a normal hot sauce,not bad,not something really special
I found it with fries and burgers,very good!!
Try it,not bad at all!
Max (geverifieerde eigenaar) –
Good every day sauce. Pairs with a lot of dishes. Might be something to allways have on rotation.
Mikael (geverifieerde eigenaar) –
Alright, quite spicy would probably set the spice level one step up for sure. Not that interesting in flavor, not bad but I find I prefer most of my other sauces just based on flavor. I think the bonnets take over a bit too much for my taste and there is really no sweetness as I’m used to (and prefer) from Marie Sharps. But if you really love scotch bonnet flavor, this one has a lot of it.